Guest Profile: Hope Ives Mouran
Author of LOVE'S NEW EARTH: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to PrevailHope Ives Mouran was always an “If I can see it, I will believe it!”
kind of person. That is, until she had a channeled reading that revealed that
she herself was a psychic and an artist and could channel. She began
painting, which gave her the freedom to share her love of the Earth and
things that were beyond words. Hope had started consciously
communicating with her newfound spirit guides when she realized that she
had been “talking” with them all along, just not in a conversational format. It
was a revelation that changed her life and it felt like “having a hotline to God.”
Stretched out on the lawn one night looking at the star-filled sky, she
received a “download” for the design for what became known as the Healing
Bed. Placed in a north/south direction and dug 18” into the ground, she lay in
this coffin-like box for 2 to 3 hours at a time several times a week and found it
to be deeply relaxing and an unusual medium for loving the Earth. Over time,
this practice strengthened her body’s desire to eat healthily and relaxed her
into nature’s rhythms. Hope soon persuaded others among her group to try
the Healing Bed, and they, too, found it to be similarly helpful.
Hope is an advocate of BioGeometry, the science that deals with the
energy of shape; it uses shapes, colors, motion, orientation and sound to
produce a vibrational quality that balances one’s energy fields. As well, she is
a practitioner of several wisdom traditions and teachers, including Hawaiian
Temple Healing with Kahu Abraham Kawai’i and Harry Uhane Jim; Sadhguru
Jaggi Vasudev’s Inner Engineering; Craig Hamilton’s Evolutionary Life
Transformation program; Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi’s Journeys of Profound
Healing, Union and Awakening; A Course in Miracles; David Gershon and Gail
Straub’s Life Empowerment Workshop; and James Swartz and Swami
Svatmananda, both teachers of Vedanta. In recent years she has been part
of the Purification Space created by Oracle Girl.
On a more personal note, Hope holds an undergraduate degree in
Forestry from the University of New Hampshire, which bolsters her love of
trees and nature. She lives in a small town in Vermont and stays “grounded”
by getting her hands in the dirt growing vegetables.

Hope Ives Mouran's Shows: