Co-Founder of FLFE Innovations Corp., a service company providing a subscription to greatly increase the level of consciousness of a property and around a mobile object to a very noticeable and beneficial level and provides a free trial so that people can feel it hemselves.Jeffrey Stegman’s focus has been on creating a high consciousness culture in his businesses, which parallels his own personal spiritual path. Jeffrey is the co-owner of two manufacturing businesses, including one that has been in business since 1835. FLFE is a confluence of Jeffrey’s manufacturing,
engineering, business and spiritual evolution.
Apr 22, 2024 |
Founders of the FOCUSED LIFE FORCE ENERGY program tell us how it works and what new ways they are helping to raise the consciousness on the planet. You'll find out how you can participate! |
Feb 26, 2024 |
Fonders of the Focused Life Force Energy Program explain how the program works and focus on the importance of hydration. We learn something new every time with these folks and love using the program in our lives and at our home. |
Sep 03, 2021 |
How can you experience a higher level of consciousness and what are the advantages? We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann, founders of the Life Force Energy Program to learn about the technology they created to raise your consciousness. |
Apr 07, 2021 |
You may not be aware of it, but there is a scale of consciousness. Yes, the level of consciousness can be measured. At the bottom of that scale is shame… at the top is enlightenment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your consciousness as high on that scale as possible? We talk to the founders of the Life Force Energy Program to learn about the technology they created to raise your consciousness. |
Nov 03, 2020 |
You’ve heard us talk about supporting those that support us. What might support for us look like? We find out about the Focused Life Force Energy program and the many ways balanced energy serves us and our world. |
Sep 04, 2020 |
We talk about consciousness as the most basic energy behind everything. But is there help available to raise the level of consciousness, especially now when it is needed most? We talk to the founders of the Focused Life Force Energy program. We find out about the ever-increasing electro-magnetic interference in our world and how the program deals with it. |
Jul 08, 2020 |
We talk about consciousness as the most basic energy behind everything. Is it possible to raise the level of consciousness, especially now when it is needed most? We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann, founders of the Focused Life Force Energy program and discover there is help available. They saw the need and answered the call with the FLFE program you’ve heard us talk about. We find out what’s new, especially when it comes to dealing with the ever-increasing electro-magnetic interference in our world. |
Jul 03, 2020 |
Vibrations, frequency, consciousness field, these are terms we are hearing more about these days, but perhaps "consciousness field" will become the most important to all of us. We talk to the founders of Focused Life Force Energy. They are move our understanding of consciousness forward with their research and provide a platform for us to experience the shift into higher consciousness. |
Mar 27, 2020 |
Vibrations, frequency, consciousness field, these are terms we are hearing more about these days. Perhaps consciousness field will become the most important to all of us. We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann, founders of Focused Life Force Energy. They are moving our understanding of consciousness forward with their research, as well as providing a platform for us to experience it. |
Dec 06, 2019 |
Vibrations, frequency, consciousness field, these are terms we are hearing more about these days.Perhaps the term consciousness field will become the most important to all of us. We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann, founders of Focused Life Force Energy. They are moving our understanding of consciousness forward with their research, as well as providing a platform for us to experience it. |
Nov 01, 2019 |
Look around. It's a fact the planet is undergoing a shift. Most of us don’t feel this raising of consciousness on a daily basis, but it's possible to do so. We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann, the founders of Focused Life Force Energy. They discovered a way to tap the energy of life itself and make it available to us so we can experience that rise in consciousness. |
Oct 04, 2019 |
We have said that consciousness is energy - and in fact the planet is undergoing a shift, raising the level of consciousness. Most of us don’t feel this shift on a daily basis. We talk to Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann, the founders of Focused Life Force Energy. They have discovered a way to tap the energy of life itself and make it available to us so we can experience that rise in consciousness. |
Aug 02, 2019 |
You have heard it is possible to focus life-force energy. In fact, there is a program called FLFE that you can experience for free and we have talked about it. Now, the founders’ of the program are here to announce the newest evolution of Focused Life Force Energy upgrades. We think you will be amazed. Consciousness drives everything. It is time to raise your level and make use of it in your everyday lives. |
Jun 07, 2019 |
Founders of the Focused Life Force Energy program explain how the program works and why consciousness raising works in ways we had not considered before. The future of personal energy management is here and you can try it absolutely free for 15 days. |
Apr 05, 2019 |
Founder of the Focused Life Force Energy program talks about the program results for clients, the new EMF mitigation, and how nutrition and hydration makes a difference. There is a 15 day free trial with no strings mentioned in this interview you want to take advantage of. |
Feb 01, 2019 |
Energy motivates and enlivens us. We like to say it is the stuff of consciousness. We talk to two gentlemen that have made it their life work. The founders of FLFE Innovations, they provides a service that increases the level of consciousness. |