Guest Profile: Lauren Polly

Lauren Polly, MEd., CF, TTTE CF, is a catalyst for people who are living their life on autopilot. Through her cutting edge classes and 1:1 coaching, she’s here to help you shift from surviving to thriving through dynamic healing, empowerment and change.

A Certified Access Consciousness® Facilitator, Certified Talk to the Entities® Facilitator, ASHA Certified Medical Speech-Language Pathologist and Registered Yoga Instructor, Lauren has shown thousands of people around the world how to engage boldly with themselves, their body and the world, so they create the life they desire.

Areas of Expertise:

Engaging with the World – Mental Health Empowerment

Lauren was diagnosed as Bipolar at age 14 and spent years in the western medical system. During her 20’s Lauren began searching for alternative modalities to help ease her mood fluctuations and began to wean herself off of the psychiatric medications that were sickening her body.

Therapy, self-help tools and meditation helped take the edge off but her life only truly changed when she started to acknowledge what her mental disorder actual was. Through using the practical tools of Access Consciousness® and specifically the tools of Talk to the Entities®, she realized her “sensitivities” were actual strengths in entity awareness and communication. In fact, most of the diagnosable problems that won her the bipolar label were actually capacities that no one, including Lauren, understood. Through the path of self-discovery and building her self-awareness Lauren was able to come off medications completely.

Now educated about her strengths and equipped with tools to thrive in her awareness she helps coach others to the same empowered stance.


Lauren Polly's Shows:

DateTopic of ShowAudio
Feb 24, 2017

Author of The Other Side of Bipolar helps us to understand what a bipolar experience is and alternative ways to deal with it.

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