A cancer survivor as well as a student of spiritual pathways, Rob forms a perfect partnership with Brenda Michaels as Hosts of conscious Talk Radio because he also found "wellness" and his spiritual path through alternative means of healing and a parallel inward journey. Rob is certified as an Intuitive Healer by The Stillpoint Institute as well as a practitioner of Reconnection Therapy, Reikiand Pranic Healing. He sees clients in his role as a heart-based spiritual consultant and energetic healer.Rob's interest in nutrition and nutritional supplements led him to found Intentional Health, Inc., a supplement company with products organized around supporting pH balance in the body. (www.powersofph.com)
Jan 06, 2025 |
Here we are, the first week of 2025 and approaching 25 years of Conscious Talk Radio. We share a bit of what we've been about all these years and what we will continue to share in 2025. |
Oct 28, 2024 |
We thought it was time to share more of what we believe about the shift in consciousness currently on the planet and what you can do to facilitate ease during these turbulent times. We also editorialize about some of the political storms swirling about and how we see the energetics of some of our Washington State initiatives. |
Feb 05, 2024 |
For 23 years Brenda and Rob have talked about the natural approach to life. They talk about what they have learned in the laboratory of their lives and the importance of supplementation. |
Jun 09, 2023 |
Are you into “Bio-Hacking”? If so, you might have heard of our guest, Carly Neubert. She recently wrote a blog about something we’ve talked about on this show… Glutathione. We’re going to find out what she’s found out about glutathione as well as what she means by bio-hacking. Rob talks about alkalization from a foundational health point-of-view. |
Feb 09, 2021 |
Okay. We’re into 2021 and you’ve already been forming up your exercise and dietary routines to get you in shape for the year. A little anxiety provoking? Right? We’re here to help. We talk to Dr. Ross Pelton about what he considers the important Health and Wellness Protocols for 2021. Take a breath, we got you! |
Jul 21, 2020 |
We are holistic beings and that applies to everything in our lives, including our food and supplements. We talk to health expert Dr. Ross Pelton about foods without labels - you know, that diversity of foods rich in fiber that our supplements complement, not the other way around. Brenda and Rob bring us up to date on what they’ve been learning you might want to know. |
Feb 25, 2020 |
Believe it or not, the Flu is an even greater threat than the new Corona Virus. Both, however, have caused a lot of suffering. But believe this. There are natural defenses to congestion that are proven and successful. We talk to Xylitol Expert and Educator at Xlear Inc., Shad Slaughter, about how you can navigate this cold and Flu Season without pain and suffering.Rob and Bren discuss their own health POV and explain a bit about acid in the body. |
Jan 28, 2020 |
There’s so much talk about CBD’s these days it can make your head spin. What’s the truth? We check with expert Maggie Frank, National Educator for CV Sciences. Rob and Brenda expand on what they have learned about supplements and a holistic approach to health that has served them well over the years.There's a special offer from +PlusCBDoil good for the whole year in this show. |
Dec 18, 2019 |
We talk to Scalar energy researcher Tom Paladino about how diagnostic tests are demonstrating how this foundational energy can eradicate pathogens and more. Rob will report on what he has learned about the dangers of metabolic acid overload and the power of de-acidifying your body |
Nov 14, 2019 |
When it comes to finding relief from colds and flu during this season, obviously prevention comes first. But did you know there are natural products that can bring relief without the side effects of other treatments? We’ll talk to Shad Slaughter, a Xylitol expert at Xlear, Inc. for his take on xylitol nasal spray vs. over-the-counter medicated sprays. Rob and Brenda discuss the foundational benefits of reducing acid in the body and what they take to stay in pH balance. |
Oct 23, 2019 |
ENCORE:There is a foundational energy in our Universe that can be harnessed to affect our health and well-being. It’s called Scalar energy. We’ll talk to Scalar energy researcher Tom Paladino about how diagnostic tests are demonstrating Scalar’s ability to eradicate pathogens and more. Then… Rob will report on what he has learned about the dangers of metabolic acid overload and the power of de-acidifying your body |
Sep 26, 2019 |
There is a foundational energy in our Universe that can be harnessed to affect our health and well-being. It’s called Scalar energy. We’ll talk to Scalar energy researcher Tom Paladino about how diagnostic tests are demonstrating Scalar’s ability to eradicate pathogens and more.Rob reports on what he has learned about the dangers of metabolic acid overload and the power of de-acidifying your body |
Sep 04, 2019 |
Determining health problems is one important part of healing. Understanding the underlying cause of a health problem is even more important. Our guest Mike Carey is an alternative healer who has learned how to tap into cellular memory to not only discover illness, but to deal with the underlying causes. We find out about his methodology. Rob explains why staying in alkaline balance is so important and how you can do it even when you can’t get enough greens. |
Sep 02, 2019 |
ENCORE: A spiritual concept not heard often is I’ve just gotta be me, and so do you. So how is that important in the great spiritual scheme of things? Krysta Gibson, publisher of New Spirit Journal and author of her newest book Inspiration: Nourishment for Your Spiritual Journey has the answer is here with an answer. Rob explains why one of the foundational reasons for many of our physical challenges is our misunderstanding of how acid works in the body. |
Aug 15, 2019 |
A spiritual concept you don’t hear often is, I’ve just gotta be me. So how is that important in the great spiritual scheme of things? Publisher of New Spirit Journal and author of her newest book Inspiration – Nourishment for Your Spiritual Journey is here with an answer. Rob explains why one of the foundational reasons for many of our physical challenges is our misunderstanding of how acid works in the body. |
Jul 24, 2019 |
Sometimes, individuals can make a difference where our national leadership has failed. Medical intervention, where there is none, can sometimes be our best ambassador. We talk to Dr. William Novick. He is the founder of the Novick Cardiac Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving medical care for children around the world with congenital heart defects. Rob and Brenda talk about how you can find relief from some basic physical conditions by managing the acid in your body. |
Jul 08, 2019 |
Allergies and probiotics have a connection that many of us didn't know about. Summer is here and probiotics are more important than ever. We find out why. Health and pH balance are discussed. |
Jun 19, 2019 |
The future of energy medicine is already here. Scalar energy expert explains how this energy works and now has clinical proof that it works on pathogens. He also offers a free trial. Benefits of reducing acid in the body are revealed. |
Jun 13, 2019 |
The Hosts of the show discuss some basics of health they utilize and get a testimonial on Power PH from a health practitioner and customer. |
Mar 14, 2019 |
Have you heard about the revolutionary health benefits of xylitol? We talk to Nathan Jones, CEO and Founder of Xlear, Inc. about how a simple natural product can make a big difference in your life in surprising ways.Staying with the fundamentals of natural health, we talk about the most effective way we know of to deal with acid in the body and offer a deal on products. |
Feb 14, 2019 |
Life is something we live moment by moment but so much of the time we fill our moments with negative thoughts. Life Coach and founder of the Institute for Transformational Thinking has a new book, LIVE TRUE - A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, that can help us with this. There is an underlying cause to many of the common physical challenges we take medications for and that is acid. We discuss a natural supplement solution. |
Jan 31, 2019 |
Virtually all health and beauty issues have the common cause of cellular degeneration. That is what makes us age. And now, anti-aging science has discovered what we need to do to slow the aging process. We talk to longevity researcher Rob Martin about what we now know about telomeres and what he recommends we do to lengthen them. We are reminded how pH balance in the body is crucial to our body function. |
Jan 16, 2019 |
Health and Beauty expert clues us in on getting our post-holiday digestive problems in order as well as how to support and protect our liver from environmental and everyday toxins.How we have the acid problem all wrong and how specific minerals can help keep us in pH balance. |
Aug 16, 2018 |
Getting help with healing is discussed.Publisher of New Spirit Journal talks about risk-taking and change. |
Aug 01, 2018 |
Health expert talks about cardio health from a nutritional point -of-view. We get the info on what our body needs to maintain heart health and why glutathione is so important. We discuss a unique approach.Rob and Brenda discuss metabolic acidosis and it's effect on chronic conditions and aging... and... another cardio connection is discussed. |
Jun 28, 2018 |
China is pushing back on storing our trash. The re-cycling you took for granted is not happening. We talk to technology and sustainability expert Gail Barnes about what we can do to prevent us from drowning in our own waste. The discussion turns to the growing problem of metabolic acidosis in our country and why it is slowly killing us and what we can do about it. |
May 30, 2018 |
Food Addicts In Recovery Member. we call John tells us about the FA program and how it changed his overeating addiction.Rob and Brenda discuss acidosis and effect on Kidney and Bladder. |
Mar 22, 2018 |
Rob and Brenda share some of their natural health experience. Publisher of New Spirit Journal shares some wisdom on our habits. |
Feb 21, 2018 |
Health and beauty expert talks about healing from the inside out with probiotics... and introduces us to the idea of using probiotic skin products. And yes... good bugs on your skin also make a difference. Hosts talk about a worthy charity...VetDogs. They also explain why they think of supplements as food. |
Feb 14, 2018 |
Health expert and author of BLOOD NEVER LIES talks about the basics of nutrition and importance of alkalizing greens.We discover all about metabolic acidosis and what to do about it. |
Oct 09, 2017 |
Health and nutrition expert talks about Kyolic Curcumin and Blood Sugar BalanceAcid and pH balance is discussed... and a solution is offered at a discount. |
Sep 14, 2017 |
Sound Healing and Sound Therapy expert clues us into the advances in sound therapies and advancements in the field, including the BioOM project. The power of supplementing potassium and magnesium is discussed. |
Aug 23, 2017 |
Co-founder of The Aim Program talks about how the program works and testimonials to the results. This is a fascinating spiritual technology.Rob talks about the aging effects of acid in the body. |
Aug 17, 2017 |
We get stoned with the publisher of new Spirit Journal.... at least we talks about crystals and rocks in spiritual work. Rob fills us in on what alkalization really means. |
Jul 20, 2017 |
Author of Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life explains why that Law of Attraction isn't working for you and more.The importance of pH in the body is explained along with how you can maintain healthy levels. |
Mar 23, 2017 |
Holistic Pharmacist and author of Saving Women's Hearts talks about some natural remedies.Rob and Bren talk about what they've learned about natural medicine... and a more natural approach to our pets. |
Feb 22, 2017 |
Natural Pharmacist and natural health educator and advisor talks about Glutathione as a new BioMarker for aging and how you can boost your levels for anti-aging.Rob tunes into the philosophy of natural health and supplementation as food. |
Jan 25, 2017 |
Marketing director of Kickfurther explains a new share economy concept.Owner of Intentional Health describes our acid problem. |
Dec 28, 2016 |
ENCORE: Founder of Health2Go talks about Twist-25 DHEA Cream and why it is the most efficient DHEA approach... also offers a 15% discount.Acid in the body is discussed and why getting into pH balance makes a difference. |
Dec 14, 2016 |
Health and weight management expert talks about Body Regime, a whole body-mind approach to weight management through supplementation.In his role as pH expert, Rob clues us in on the need for mineral salts we aren't getting in our food. |
Dec 07, 2016 |
Founder of Health2Go talks about Twist-25 DHEA Cream and why it is the most efficient DHEA approach... also offers a 15% discount.Acid in the body is discussed and why getting into pH balance makes a difference. |
Sep 29, 2016 |
Health and Weight Loss expert critiques and analyses a new product and sponsor and gives Body Regime a big thumbs up.Urinary tract issues are also discussed with another body supporting solution. |
Aug 25, 2016 |
Brenda and Rob celebrate 15 years on KKNW in Seattle with their producers and station execs. |
Aug 22, 2016 |
Author of The Heart of the Hero talks about Scalar Heart Connection healing and his new approach to healing. ...Alkalinity and pH balance are discussed... especially for urinary tract issues. |
Aug 17, 2016 |
Sales Director for Wakunaga of America talks about a Wall Street journal article on aged garlic and Kyolic.Intentional Health owner talks of little known facts about alkalinity and natural health. |
Jul 25, 2016 |
Dirt Dr. Radio Show Host and chairman of the Texas Organic Research Center talks about organica and healthy living.The importance of pH balance in the body is discussed in terms of problems we are seeing in our health. |
Dec 09, 2015 |
Shamanic medicine expert talks about the Shamanic tradition and his newest book, A Shaman's Miraculous Tools For Healing.Rob and Brenda discuss a connection between alkalinity and UTI's. |