Guest Profile: Brenda Michaels

Brenda Michaels

Co-Host of "Conscious Talk" and author of THE GIFT OF CANCER - A Miraculous Journey to Healing.

Brenda Michaels is an inspiring, courageous and remarkable individual who has triumphed against all odds many times in her life. She survived cancer three times over the course of twenty years, beginning at the age of 26. It was during her third incidence with cancer that Brenda heard the call to dramatically change her life, which set her off on a healing quest. When her doctors-one the Head of Oncology at a respected medical organization-recommended chemotherapy, she refused. Instead, she decided to focus on wellness using natural treatment methods while embracing her disease as a teacher instead of an enemy. Now, over 12 years later, she is cancer-free and full of life.

Brenda has dedicated her life to helping others face personal life and health challenges. She currently gives keynote speeches empowering, inspiring and enlightening people on how to live a more passionate and healthy life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Her experience with natural, alternative methods and the mind, body, spirit connection is the backdrop for all her messages.

An early achievement and sign of her commitment to her life was her participation in the 1988 "Mrs. California-American Pageant". Just two months after losing her first breast, she competed in and was awarded the Pageant title of "Most Inspirational." A pioneer in her own right, she was the only person using alternative treatment methods to be selected by the American Cancer Society (ACS) for inclusion in their CBS television special "Profiles in Survival". Brenda is also a nationally recognized speaker and participated in the American Cancer Society's, "Celebrities Against Cancer" program drawing national attention to the merits of natural treatments and healing.

Brenda's passion to communicate her story made her the focus of the 1990 news special on breast cancer, which aired on KCBS-TV. In 1992, she was a guest on the Dr. Dean Edell show discussing "Laughter as the Best Medicine" and, in 1995, appeared on the "Gabrielle" show and on "The Other Side". Brenda has also pursued her career as an actress appearing in such films as True Lies, Three Men and A Little Lady and the Accidential Tourist, and in commercials nationwide. She has also co-hosted and produced "Healthstyles", a cable TV show dealing with health issues and healing in the nineties, as well as co-hosting "Living Healthy" a radio show committed to bring forth cutting edge information and guests in the areas of alternative health and healing. Dedicated to sharing what she has learned on her journey, Brenda's forthcoming book, "The Final Messenger ... A Spiritual Journey Toward Healing" passionately details her struggles and victories beyond cancer.

Her incredible commitment, sincerity and enthusiasm for life lend a very powerful and unique approach to her performance as a radio talk show host. A true inspiration, Brenda creates instant intimacy with her audiences and is the catalyst that raises our recognition of the powerful, magnificent potential in all of us.

Her book, "The Gift of Cancer" is due to be published September, 2014 by Sky Horse Publishing.


Brenda Michaels's Shows:

DateTopic of ShowAudio
Jan 06, 2025

Here we are, the first week of 2025 and approaching 25 years of Conscious Talk Radio. We share a bit of what we've been about all these years and what we will continue to share in 2025.

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Oct 28, 2024

We thought it was time to share more of what we believe about the shift in consciousness currently on the planet and what you can do to facilitate ease during these turbulent times. We also editorialize about some of the political storms swirling about and how we see the energetics of some of our Washington State initiatives.

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Feb 05, 2024

For 23 years Brenda and Rob have talked about the natural approach to life. They talk about what they have learned in the laboratory of their lives and the importance of supplementation.

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Dec 15, 2023

Do you find that your mind takes you to a lot of places that aren’t productive? Do you experience a nearly constant noise of fears and anxiety filling your life? We’ll talk to Jaime Pineda, author of Controlling Mental Chaos: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind. He’ll help us find the way to peace and happiness where creativity lives.

Brenda and Rob share what they’ve learned about the subject and how they can be of help.

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Dec 01, 2023

There is so much going on these days that you want to be at your best in all ways. Unfortunately, there has been an ever-increasing amount of mental and cognitive decline at even younger ages. We talk to Jane Jansen of the Tree of Life Wellness Center for her take on Brain Health and how we can optimize it.

Brenda and Rob talk about some of the healing practices they’ve found useful for their clients and in their own lives.

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Apr 14, 2023

One of our favorite health experts, especially when it comes to the Microbiome, brings us up to date on his latest research on how probiotics can help us in ways we never imagined. He reports on his research article entitled, "The Microbiome Theory of Aging".

Brenda and Rob bring us up to date on what they've been experiencing and experimenting with. They recommend things to do for the Spring.

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Nov 11, 2022

Cardiovascular health is front and center these days and we have just the person to talk to. Our guest is Jay Levy, Director of Sales of Wakunaga of America, makers of Kyolic Aged Garlic. Kyolic is a leader in natural cardiovascular health and scientific research. Then... Brenda and Rob share some of their thoughts of the day.

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Nov 04, 2022

It’s Cold and Flu season once again and it’s forecasted to be an active one. How do we protect ourselves without doing more harm than good is always our question in the natural health community. We’ll talk to Nate Jones, founder and CEO of Xlear, Inc. for his take on the lessons he’s learned through research and development of his line of Xylitol products.

Then… Brenda and Rob lend their thoughts on maneuvering these anxious times

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Oct 07, 2022

Let's face it, in today’s economy, you need the biggest bang for your buck in all areas of your life. That certainly goes for your supplements, which are more important than ever in these stressful times if you are going to stay healthy. We’ll talk to health expert Ross Pelton about the unique world of Multi-Tasking Supplements. Then…

Brenda and Rob will share some of their supplement experience and other ways of navigating these times.

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Jun 03, 2022

Did you know your gut health affects your hormone health and your ability to detoxify efficiently? That’s news to us so we thought we’d talk to Dr. Aimee Shunney, a Naturopathic Physician specializing in bio-identical hormone balancing and digestive health.

Brenda and Rob share some thoughts on living consciously during trying times.

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May 20, 2022

By now you know we are having a heavy allergy season in the Northwest. We talk to Nate Jones, founder of Xlear, Inc. for his advice on how to spring into allergy season the right way with Xlear Nasal xylitol products. Then, why we have him, we discuss the current state of oral health in America and what we can do about it.

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Dec 08, 2021

It’s Winter prep time when it comes to our health. Would you believe something simple yet highly effective is easily available but not the first thing you might have thought of? We’ll talk to Nathan Jones, CEO of Xlear about the importance of nasal hydration. That’s right. We’re talking about washing your nose.

Brenda and Rob follow up with some of their thoughts on wellness.

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Nov 30, 2021

Thanksgiving is over, but your indigestion lingers… maybe even more than you remember in the past. Maybe it’s time you get serious about your digestive health. Fortunately, we know just the expert to ask about our favorite probiotic and why we think it’s the answer you’re looking for. We talk to board certified clinical nutritionist Martie Whittekin to see what she thinks.

Brenda and Rob share their ideas on wellness for the Holidays and into the future.

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Sep 14, 2021

We talk to health and beauty expert Kat James about some smarter ways to conquer cold weather cravings, mood, and weight issues.

Brenda and Rob weigh in with their thoughts and strategy on wellness.

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Mar 31, 2021

You’ve all heard that beauty is only skin deep. We beg to differ! We’re true believers in the philosophy of today’s guest that beauty is from within. We talk to Kat James, the award winning author of The Truth About Beauty. She has the personal experience as well as expertise to school us on Year-Round Skincare. Spoiler Alert: There’s even a pro-biotic connection to skin care you’ll definitely want to hear about.

Brenda and Rob catch us up on what they've encountered of late.

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Dec 01, 2020

Sometimes we need to take a second and deeper look at the products we use to realize they may have greater effects then we thought. We’ll talk to Nathan Jones, CEO and Founder of Xlear, Inc.. We want to understand why his nasal spray might be revolutionary as an all-natural approach to upper respiratory and oral health.

Brenda and Rob comment on how a natural health approach has served them.

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Nov 11, 2020

We’re entering the cold and flu season and this year we want to not only emphasize the importance of keeping up our immune system, but also our heart health. We’ll talk to heart and immune health expert Jim LaValle about a natural health approach close to our hearts…Aged Garlic Extract. Then… Brenda and Rob reveal some of their newer wellness discoveries that support a foundational health approach.

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Oct 07, 2020

This Fall may be the most important time for you to have your immune system working at it’s optimum. We talk to health expert Ross Pelton about how probiotics may lead the way in an unexpected way.

Brenda and Rob will talk about staying healthy in a holistic way.

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Jul 28, 2020

When it comes to the Natural Health Industry, Kyolic’s Aged Garlic has always been known as one of the most researched products on the market. We talk to health expert Jim LaValle about some exciting new research on Cardiovascular health. Aged Garlic Extract is the gift that seems to keep on giving.

Brenda and Rob catch us up on what they’ve been learning.

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Mar 17, 2020

Our modern day understanding of probiotics to our health has made probiotics the third most popular supplement sold. Here’s the key - not all probiotics are equal. We talk to Brian Craig, CEO of Essential Formulas, the folks that bring you Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics. He of all people knows why Dr. Ohhira’s is unique in the probiotic marketplace.

Brenda and Rob share some thoughts on staying healthy during these challenging times.

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Feb 19, 2020

It’s heart month and that also means heart health month. We talk to heart health expert Jay Levy about life-saving tips to keep your heart strong, including the role of aged garlic. What? Garlic? This is something you need to hear.

Brenda and Rob remind us of the importance of keeping our world and our inner world clean and healthy.

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Dec 11, 2019

We’re in the holiday swing of over-indulgence everywhere we look. Sounds like a good time to check in with a nutritional expert. We talk to certified nutritionist Martie Whittekin to help us navigate through our digestive issues.

Rob and Bren will share some things they’ve learned this year about staying healthy and happy.

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Oct 31, 2019

The cold and flu season is upon us and face it, you can’t just isolate and miss out on the holidays. So what can you do? We talk to health expert Jim LaValle on how to prepare.

Brenda and Rob share some of their health routines and what they put to work in their lives and the lives of their clients.

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Oct 17, 2019

Faith is really being challenged these days. What can you really believe in? Publisher of New Spirit Journal gives her view on faith.

Brenda and Rob share their approach to healing.

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Jun 13, 2019

The Hosts of the show discuss some basics of health they utilize and get a testimonial on Power PH from a health practitioner and customer.

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Jun 06, 2018

The discussion is about the launch of a new Wisdom Soup APP and the launch event in Bellevue, WA. The APP is a unique source of its kind for healers, spiritual teachers and the community of seekers wishing to connect with them.

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Mar 22, 2018

Rob and Brenda share some of their natural health experience.

Publisher of New Spirit Journal shares some wisdom on our habits.

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Apr 20, 2017

Natural Pharmacist and expert on the microbiome talks about the importance of taking care of the Earth as we'll as our inner landscape and how the two go hand in hand.

Rob and Bren talk about embracing uncertainty.

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Aug 25, 2016

Brenda and Rob celebrate 15 years on KKNW in Seattle with their producers and station execs.

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Oct 01, 2014

Conscious Talk Co-host has a new book The Gift of Cancer - A Miraculous Journey to Healing and in an unusual set-up for the show she is interviewed by Rob.

Editor in chief of Mother Earth News cautions us about the emergence of nanoparticles and mentions a new Fall plant for the vegy garden.

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Feb 21, 2014

Ah, Mercury Retrograde! ... During this Women's Hour a typical mercury type miscommunication leaves Brenda and Diana to fend for themselves when a guest doesn't show. The ladies talk about their current feelings about spirituality and what they've learned.

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Jun 15, 2012

The Feminine Perspective of The Women's Hour focuses on the energies of the Summer Solstice

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Sep 08, 2011

Author of One Minute Mindfulness talks about presence and mindfulness in our lives in a practical way.

Brenda and Rob talk about Conscious Living

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Apr 07, 2011

The Hosts are inspired by World Meditation Day and a recent video on Youtube entitled 2012: A Message of Hope

Creator of Sand Spirit Insight Cards talks about Phototherapy

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Mar 24, 2011

Depth Psychologist and author of Power Abused Power Healed talks about bullying.

Brenda and Rob talk about Alkalinity as a health fundamental.

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Sep 17, 2010

The Women's Hour with Brenda Michaels and Megan Skinner is joined by transformational healer Dr. DiVanna Vadree for a discussion about feminine power and spirituality.

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Aug 20, 2010

Womens Hour Segment

An Angel Intuitive who has read for hundreds of clients. She is also the creator and host of the Angel Gallery

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Jan 14, 2010

Show Hosts share their thoughts on new spiritual media and the Hereafter.

Creative Success Founder shares her Creativity Courage Cards

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Jun 29, 2009

Show hosts muse on some of what they've learned on the show

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Mar 13, 2009

More exploration of the Natural Products Expo West as our hosts seek what's new in the industry.

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Mar 09, 2009

Probiotics expert talks about the importance of probiotics to our health.

Hosts mingle with sponsors and others to explore what's new with the natural Products Industry at the annual EXPO WEST meeting.

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Sep 28, 2007

Conscious Talk Hosts continue their coverage of Expo East in Baltimore

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Sep 27, 2007

Conscious Talk Hosts interview participants at Expo East, Convention for the Natural Product Industry

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May 18, 2007

Women's Power Hour with Brenda and Megan

Author of Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body talks with us about self love and healing

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May 17, 2007

Show Hosts discuss some of the new and important things they have learned.

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Oct 04, 2005

Brenda and Rob are interviewed on John St. Augustine's Midwest Radio Show - Power Talk Radio.

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Sep 28, 2004

Current Events

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